Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)
This website offers resources to the transfusion community, including nurses, laboratory staff and clinicians. It serves as a portal to AABB members.
Association of Hemophilia Clinic Directors of Canada (AHCDC)
The AHCDC's goal is to ensure excellent care for persons with congenital bleeding disorders in Canada through clinical services, research and education. The website is home to the computer software program, CHARMS.
BC Provincial Blood Coordinating Office (BC PBCO)
The BC PBCO, a program of the Provincial Health Services Authority, promotes the appropriate, safe, standardized and sustainable use of blood, blood products and their alternatives throughout British Columbia. The PBCO achieves its mandate through: utilization management; quality management; information management; and communication and consultation.
California Blood Bank Society (CBBS)
CBBS offers technical and clinical questions and answers on the moderated e-Network Forum.
Canadian Blood Services (CBS) – Public Site
Canadian Blood Services – Transfusion Medicine
CBS maintains this site to provide current and reliable information for health care professionals about blood and blood components and blood transfusion.
CSTM Connect - Ask the Transfusion Medicine Community
The CSTM hosts a 'transfusion' mailing list to provide a mechanism for Canada's transfusion medicine community to ask questions and discuss common concerns and issues; solve problems; promote e-learning opportunities and store and share information and materials. All transfusion professionals are invited and encouraged to contribute to the mailing list, including professionals from scientific, technical, nursing, and medical backgrounds who work in all sectors of blood transfusion in Canada.
Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science
This website is an excellent resource for continuing education for medical laboratory technologists.
Canadian Society for Transfusion Medicine (CSTM)
CSTM is a multidisciplinary society that promotes and supports best practice in transfusion medicine in Canada through education, communication, partnerships, and the CSTM Standards.
Alternative blood supplier for Canada and main supplier for Quebec.
International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT)
The ISBT brings together transfusion medicine professionals from more than 85 countries. The site provides guidelines and information with an international scope.
iTransfuse App - Australian Red Cross LifeBlood
The iTransfuse App promotes safe, appropriate and evidence-based transfusion by providing bedside access to transfusion education tools and resources.
McMaster Transfusion Research Program
This website provides timely research project information useful to the transfusion community at large. Their mission is to provide scientific evidence that will inform transfusion practice and enhance the safety of blood transfusion with a focus on Canadian advancements in transfusion medicine research.
NATA online
NATA is the Network for Advancement of Transfusion Alternatives, an international network of medical practitioners and researchers dedicated to helping their peers learn more about recent advances in blood conservation and transfusion alternatives.
Newfoundland and Labrador Blood Office
The Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Blood Coordinating Program was established on Dec.1, 2005. Its purpose is to coordinate initiatives for the Regional Integrated Health Authorities that affect utilization, surveillance and the quality of the Blood Program throughout the province.
Nova Scotia Blood Office
This website offers information about Niastase*, IVIG and Palivizumab (Synagis*). There are also examples of documents and forms that healthcare professionals can review; and guidelines on administration of blood products. Nova Scotia’s key focus is on Utilization Management, Surveillance and Quality Management.
Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network (ORBCoN) – A Provincial Blood Management Program
Supported by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, ORBCoN is a provincially funded blood program with a mandate related to improved blood utilization and inventory management, serving as a transfusion education resource to Ontario transfusion services and supporting communication between hospitals and the Blood Programs Coordinating Office. ORBCoN supports the Transfusion Ontario website, which contains information for patients and their families as well as resources for healthcare professionals who order, administer and manage blood transfusion in Ontario hospitals.
Ontario Nurse Transfusion Coordinators (ONTraC) - A Provincial Blood Conservation Program
Supported by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, ONTraC is a Provincial Blood Conservation Program that attempts to enhance transfusion practice by promoting alternatives to allogeneic transfusion in surgical patients, improving patient care and well-being in a cost-effective manner.
Saskatchewan Blood office
SaskBlood is a virtual blood office which was established with the support of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health to serve as a centralized resource for transfusion medicine consultation. SaskBlood initiatives continue to focus on coordinating provincial alignment of transfusion medicine practices to enhance patient care. This website includes information on provincial programs, educational resources, and best practice recommendations.
Society for Blood Management (SABM)
SABM’s purpose is to improve patient outcomes through optimal blood management, which includes the appropriate provision and use of blood and blood products, and strategies to reduce or avoid transfusion.
Transfusion Manitoba
Shared Health is a key player in the province-wide ‘vein-to-vein’ Transfusion Medicine Service for Manitobans. While collaborating with key partners engaged in funding, monitoring, service delivery and clinical care, Shared Health’s role in blood bank services and cross-matching ensures best practice policies and procedures in the management and use of Manitoba’s precious blood and blood product inventory.
Treat the Bleed
Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)